Join the Waitlist
To encourage social distancing, please join the Waitlist, before arriving to the restaurant for dining.
IMPORTANT: This is an automated system. Any requests to be added to the wait list that are made outside of regular restaurant hours (8 am - 3 pm) will NOT be honored.
- Text and Data rates apply.
- By texting the phone number below, this system allows you to join our wait list, without being present in the restaurant.
- We cannot guarantee the table will be ready when you arrive to the restaurant, or at the original quoted seating time.
- Our seating policy has been limited for social distancing measures. We are currently not able to seat parties larger than 6.
- During peak business hours, parties will only be seated when all members are present at the host stand.
- To reduce the spread of COVID-19, Cash payments are not accepted, and for added security, ONLY Chipped Credit Cards will be accepted.
- We have taken enhanced health & safety measures. Follow all posted instructions while on premises. An inherent risk of exposure to covid-19 exists in any public place where people are present. View important details.
Miss Shirley's Cafe, Annapolis
1 Park Place
Annapolis, MD 21401